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We will always find it cheaper

Swim Designs
Your Business is unique and custom, why isn't your web site?
We strive to encourage businesses to have custom websites. Not only do they perform much better in search engine results, but they appear better to users. You have more options, there is no "no, you can't do that", because it's yours and it's custom and you can do anything with it! Websites should not have any limitations, this is why we build a unique custom website that fits every individual business we work with.
When a website fits a business, you are able to see the results. When switching to a custom website, sales increase, marketing increases, return visitors happen much more often, and the rate of new visitors increases. Why would anyone not want a custom website? Cost, is obviously the only answer, but at SWIMD, we fix that. We make sure everyone can have a custom website that fits and works, and is priced accordingly.
We are not going to try to sell you a $10,000 website that you don't need. We are going to sell you a site that fits the size, and goals of the company. We are going to present you with many features, and show which ones will really help you, and which ones are just plain cool. You pick everything from the ground up, and you choose your prices.
We are 100% based in the go 'ole U-S-of-A and never outsource our projects to India. Now don't get us wrong, we do do a lot of outsourcing, but it's only for physical products, that we can also help with. So unless your trying to get cheap toilet paper in your office in addition to your website, no parts of your site will be outsourced, which actually keeps your cost down, especially when it comes to maintenance. (no one wants to edit a site made in china, we call them "disasters")
Back to the outsourcing, in addition to marketing, custom websites, mobile sites, SEO, and the rest of our long list of services that you can see by pressing the 'services' button at the top, or the bottom since your probably closer now, we do product and merchandise buying as well! And no, it's not cheap China products. We can get all of the exact same products you use in your office, or even sell to your customers, for cheaper. Much cheaper. Every time. In fact, no one finds products for cheaper than we do. Because we deal with so many small businesses, it's like we are a big business with all of you put together, and that really increases our buying power. We can cut your phone bills in half, get you discounts on products in your office refrigerator, and even cut the costs of your catalogues, business cards, and those useless company key chains you buy every year that just end up in desk drawers. All of this comes free, just by being our customer.
So not only do you get a whole gang of products to help grow your business, you get even more that save you money, and that's the best part. We make you more money, and we save you money at the same time. It almost sounds to good to be true.
Where's our main office? For Web Design Nj. But that does not limit our web design services to NJ. For Web Design, Nj locations are not our limit. We have sales teams and satellite offices outside of nj as well. Which is why many of our clients are located elsewhere. The internet gives us this true ability to assist anyone anywhere with web design needs, which is why we are not limited to Web Design in NJ.